{"id":88435,"global_id":"trailkeepersoforegon.org?id=88435","global_id_lineage":["trailkeepersoforegon.org?id=88435"],"author":"6131","status":"publish","date":"2024-04-13 11:58:28","date_utc":"2024-04-13 18:58:28","modified":"2024-04-26 13:56:45","modified_utc":"2024-04-26 20:56:45","url":"https:\/\/trailkeepersoforegon.org\/events\/oswald-west-sp-short-sands-beach-day-of-action-with-surfriders\/","rest_url":"https:\/\/trailkeepersoforegon.org\/wp-json\/tribe\/events\/v1\/events\/88435","title":"Oswald West SP (Short Sands Beach) Day of Action with Surfriders","description":"
Join TKO, Surfriders, and OPRD in a half-day of service at one of the most iconic beaches on the coast!<\/div>\n

Crew Leader: Drew S, Ingrid H<\/h2>\n

Max Size of Crew: 12<\/h2>\n

Hike Distance: mile(s) ~1.5<\/h2>\n

Elevation Gain: >300<\/h2>\n

Hike Intensity: Low<\/h2>\n

Work Intensity: Moderate<\/h2>\n

Work Type: Tread work, brushinh<\/h2>\n


<\/strong>Project Information:<\/strong><\/p>\n

This trail party will be completed in conjunction with Surfirders and OPRD as part of the twice annula Oswald West Day of Action. OPRD will provide TKO crew leaders with a TBD maintenance project to undertake for couple hours. Past projecvts have included moving beach cobbles up onto wet spots on the trail, brushing, and decommissioning of unoffcialy user trails. This description will be updated when the exact project work is determined.<\/p>\n

<\/strong>Hiking information:<\/strong><\/p>\n

The work will take place on the Short Sands Beach Trail, a wide and fairly easy trail that descends about 100 feet from Highway 101, to the ocean. <\/p>\n

You should plan to participate in this trail party for its entirety. For safety reasons, please do not arrive late or expect to be able to leave early.<\/p>\n

<\/strong>Event details:<\/strong><\/p>\n

Detailed event information, including directions to the meeting location, will be provided to registrants via email 48 hours prior to the event. If you’re volunteering for the first time, read this blog by a volunteer<\/a> to know what to expect at your first trail party.<\/p>\n

<\/strong>What to bring:<\/strong><\/p>\n