Your furry friends are Trailkeepers too!

Donate $30 or more before midnight on Sunday 11/14 and you’ll be entered to win a doggy hiking essentials kit from our friends at Ruffwear.


Can’t give $? Volunteer at any of our trail party events between 11/8 and 11/14, and you’ll be entered to win too!

Volunteer with TKO

Protect & explore the trails of the Southern Oregon Coast.

In 2019, TKO staff and funding partners were laying the groundwork to start a movement of stewardship on Oregon’s south coast. Over the last two years, Oregon Coast Visitors Association funding helped us build a movement of trail stewardship in the southern Oregon Coast region. In addition to ongoing volunteer agreements with Oregon State Parks – Harris Beach Management Unit and USFS Siuslaw and Rogue-Siskiyou National Forests, we have expanded our service areas to include Oregon Department of State Lands South Slough Reserve and Oregon State Parks – Sunset Bay Management Unit. We have assessed trails to build a portfolio of projects to tackle and have hosted several volunteer trainings, including Crew Leadership and Ambassador trainings, to help drum up a beat of stewardship within communities that are eager to get out and improve their trails. Donate today to support our ongoing efforts to empowering south coast communities to steward their amazing trails. 




Feet of Trails Improved


Stewardship Events


Volunteer Participants


In Kind Value of Volunteer Time


Cape Arago

Cape Arago is a breathtaking section of the Oregon Coast.  In 2020, TKO pledged to increase trail stewardship in this, and other awe inspiring areas on the southern coast.  Despite the challenges presented by COVID-19, we engaged in volunteer events, including trail maintenance, Trail Ambassador events, and stewardship trainings both online and in-person.  At Cape Arago and Sunset Bay State Parks we have been lop, lop, lopping all summer long! 152 volunteer hours this summer, mostly on the East Loop Trail that connects to the Pack Trail. This trail was nearly lost to the overgrowth and we are saving it! We also retreaded the pack trail after the spruce trees that blew over last winter were sawed out of the way. 

Join the Legacy

One hiking boot in front of the other

Did you know that most of our trail parties are lead by other volunteers? These amazing folks have taken the time to train extensively in first aid, equity work and trail maintenance skills to provide the unique and positive volunteer experience that TKO is known for. With out volunteer Crew Leaders, none of the work we do gets done. In the fall of this year, TKO staff hosted a three day training series with the aim of growing a new batch of volunteer Crew Leaders in the South Coast region. Members of the community came out to learn new skills, give back to the trails they love, and help TKO grow. Your donation helps them to have the supplies and support they need to get more volunteers out on more trails than ever before!

Join the Legacy

Latest News

A large group of TKO Trail Ambassadors stand in front of a waterfall. The image is overlaid by the TKO logo.

Trail Ambassadors are gearing up for a big year on Oregon’s trails

Every spring, Trailkeepers of Oregon Trail Ambassadors head out onto some of Oregon’s most well-loved trails to welcome visitors and share important information about the trail, hiking safety, Leave No Trace, local flora and fauna, and more. We’ve added more locations to our repertoire for this season and we need your help to meet the growing demand on our trails!


A Message from TKO’s Executive Director

Happy Holidays Trailkeepers,

The TKO Legacy Builders end-of-year campaign is coming to a close on December 31st. We are so proud that this campaign is fueled by a grassroots donor base that builds a kick start of support for a new year. Our approach continues to be that everyone in their own way is a Trailkeeper – giving time, giving passion, or giving dollars. Each of these contributions amount to more protection and enhancement of Oregon’s hiking trails.


Improving the Columbia River Gorge Trail Experience

From Latourell Falls to Mosier Plateau, TKO volunteers put in 6,171 hours (257 days!) in the Columbia River Gorge throughout 2023 ensuring your favorite trails remain ready to welcome you on your adventures. Read on for fun insight on the wide variety of trails and projects that you, our community, helped us to pursue!


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