WEEK 5: New Ventures, the Salmonberry Trail

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Volunteer with TKO

Advocate for new connections to the wondrous places of Oregon.

Advocating for new ventures and lost trails that access Oregon’s natural wonders has become a regular part of our work. There are endless possibilities for TKO to be a partner in finding lost trails and bringing day-dream projects to life. You can join the support for new and lost trails across Oregon by donating today!

The Salmonberry Trail is no small venture. Over 87 miles of railroad line are sitting dormant and have the possibility of connecting the Valley to the Coast . The canyon section in particular is right up TKO’s bailiwick. We’ve been working closely with the engineering consultant on this project to assess the viability of this trail connection, approaching in different ways a rail-to-trail and rail-with-trail conversion!

We are working with many partners to advocate for this trail and we may see projects begin in the portion that connects to Stub Stewart State Park as early as 2021. Your support builds a community engagement that will see that the value of these places is met with a vested interest in their care.




Miles of Trails Scouted


Feet of New Trail


Volunteer Hours


In Kind Value of Volunteer Time

FLOODS IN 1997 & 2008

Make no mistake, while the 87-mile corridor has dozens of amazing trestle bridges, the scene you see here is not one of them. A series of once-in-a-hundered-year floods ravaged through the Coast Range and wreaked havoc on many communities and infrastructure. The Salmonberry Corridor was not spared. While the rail companies sought to rebuild and restore after 1997, there seemed to be a desire to pause after 2008. That is when the dream came alive for the rail-to-trail and rail-with-trail conversions. TKO has been working to offer alternatives to rebuilding railbed through a more wilderness-like trail development.

Join the Legacy


In addition to spectacular trestle bridges, some of which reach heights of more than 80 feet from the river below, the corridor is also home to 13 tunnels of varying lengths. Some tunnels are safe for passage, but others need to have the trail rerouted to safely circumnavigate the decaying structures. TKO has been scouting the hillsides for those trail alternatives. You can support these projects and speed up access to these wonders by donating today!

Join the Legacy

Latest News

A large group of TKO Trail Ambassadors stand in front of a waterfall. The image is overlaid by the TKO logo.

Trail Ambassadors are gearing up for a big year on Oregon’s trails

Every spring, Trailkeepers of Oregon Trail Ambassadors head out onto some of Oregon’s most well-loved trails to welcome visitors and share important information about the trail, hiking safety, Leave No Trace, local flora and fauna, and more. We’ve added more locations to our repertoire for this season and we need your help to meet the growing demand on our trails!


A Message from TKO’s Executive Director

Happy Holidays Trailkeepers,

The TKO Legacy Builders end-of-year campaign is coming to a close on December 31st. We are so proud that this campaign is fueled by a grassroots donor base that builds a kick start of support for a new year. Our approach continues to be that everyone in their own way is a Trailkeeper – giving time, giving passion, or giving dollars. Each of these contributions amount to more protection and enhancement of Oregon’s hiking trails.


Improving the Columbia River Gorge Trail Experience

From Latourell Falls to Mosier Plateau, TKO volunteers put in 6,171 hours (257 days!) in the Columbia River Gorge throughout 2023 ensuring your favorite trails remain ready to welcome you on your adventures. Read on for fun insight on the wide variety of trails and projects that you, our community, helped us to pursue!


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